Welcome to Prague Hotels

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our customers' most frequently asked questions and our answers. For more information, please do hesitate to contact us.

Q: Do I have to pay in advance?
Q: How can I pay for my reservation?
Q: Is my booking guaranteed?
Q: How do I make changes to an existing booking?
Q: If I need to cancel my booking what do I have to do?
Q: Are my personal and credit card details safe?

Q: Do I have to pay in advance?
In 95% of cases the hotels require advance payment in full for the duration you will be staying at the hotel therefore we will require payment in full before sending you a confirmation.

Q: How can I pay for my reservation?
You can pay by credit card, we curently accept Visa or MasterCard

Q: Is my booking guaranteed?
When you make a bookings through our agency you will be sent a confirmation by e-mail. This e-mail will confirm you booking details i.e. dates, number of people etcÂ… and the amount that was taken from your credit card. Once you have received this e-mail then your booking is guaranteed.

Q: How do I make changes to an existing booking?
Send an e-mail to , as soon as possible, however last-minute changes are not always possible and charges for the administration and hotel cancellation penalties may be applied (see below). The date of receipt of such written changes to confirmed bookings shall be deemed the date of changes and shall be subject to the following charges: Changes: (Notice period Charges)

From the moment you receive the confirmation until 72 hours after you have received the confirmation.
15% of the total amount charged
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

After 72 hours of receiving a confirmation from Praguediscounthotels until 3 days prior to arrival
15% of the total amount charged
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

Within 3 days of arrival
15% of the total amount and subject to availability of other accommodation.
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

Please note that child age changes may incur charge, this will vary depending on individual hotel policies. Amendment charges will NOT be applied to booking changes where either:
(i) Both the number of rooms and number of nights increases
(ii) The number of rooms increases and the number of nights does not decrease
(iii) The number of nights increases and the number of rooms does not decrease
Guests name changes
All changes are subject to availability.

Q: If I need to cancel my booking what do I do?
Cancellations to confirmed bookings are subject to the following conditions: Any cancellation to a reservation for which we have sent you a booking confirmation, must be made in writing via the prague-hotels.org.uk website - also by email to: .

Any cancellation received after we have confirmed your booking and before the date on which you are booked to arrive at the accommodation where either the number of rooms (irrespective of room type) or the number of nights decreases will be charged as below:

Cancellations: (Notice period Charges)

From the moment you receive the confirmation until 72 hours after you have received the confirmation.
15% of the total amount charged
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

After 72 hours of receiving a confirmation or after your credit card has been charged until 3 days prior to arrival
15% of the total amount charged
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

Within 3 days of arrival
15% of the total amount or the price of one full night which ever the greater.
(Please note that our agency is not responsible for any bank fees your bank may charge you for using your credit card)

If you do not arrive at the accommodation on the date on which you are booked to arrive or you leave the accommodation earlier than the date on which you booked to leave, then you will only be entitled to cancel or amend the booking from the time when we receive notification from you during (Monday - Friday 09:30 to 18:00 CET).

All such cancellations are subject to you incurring the charge for the next twenty-four hours accommodation after we receives your notification.

Cancellations notified directly to the hotel will not be effective. Requests for cancellations must be made in writing via the PragueDiscountHotels website - or by email to 1and the date of receipt of such written cancellation shall be deemed the date of cancellation.

If any booking is cancelled after mid-day on the first day of the stay or if the guest does not arrive you willbe charged as follows:

(i) For stays of less than seven nights, the cost of one night's stay.
(ii) For stays of between seven and twenty seven nights, the cost of two night's stay.
(iii) For stays exceeding twenty seven nights, the cost of three nights stay.

Q: Are my personal and credit card details safe?
Our web site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We use Secure Socket Layers (SSL) to ensure the privacy of the information provided to us and at no time are your debit/credit card details transmitted unencrypted over the Internet (view security).
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